LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Courier-Journal's mistake twisted into police scrutiny

RE: Courier-Journal's mistake twisted into police scrutiny

November 27th, 2004 @ 10:19AM (19 years ago)

oh, you've hurt my little feelings...sob...sniff...I'm so sorry, sniff...what I should have said was...sniff...poor little dope dealing, welfare recieving, gang bangin' good little boy. It's such a shame that society placed him in such a position that he felt it was necessary to break the law to make the fast money, so that he could afford his big screen tv, his 24"chrome wheels, and his gold teeth. ...but...NAH!! WHACK-A-THUG!! Woo Hoo!!

-I'm just curious...were you one of Clinton's hug-a-thug c.o.p. hired police? ...or one of the liberal 'college degree only' class that Jerry requested?