LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

3 Homicides in 3 Days

RE: 3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 6th, 2004 @ 3:00PM (19 years ago)

I agree with the first reply. When you dimantle the units that concentrate on violent crimes, street crimes and narcotics you lose a lot of intelligence and expertise. How do you expect district officers to combat this growing trend in violent crime? They don't have the time to investigate long term problems such as narcotics and street crimes because they are running from run to run. Also people involved in these activities often cross district and jurisdictional boundaries. How can 8 separate groups of detectives keep abreast of crime trends and formulate a strategy? When you have one central division that acquires information and intelligence from the entire city they are able to prevent the types of crimes that are occuring so rampantly now. Another problem is that the current administration is too busy coddling criminal elements and not allowng officers to pursue agressive policing, and if an officer tries to do his/her job he/she is crucified in the media or disciplined on some baseless charge. Why doesn't the current command staff get out of their comfortable offices and do some real police work in the trenches so they can really see how it is out there? Those of you that are out there working every day for us in the community deserve a sincere thank you for all your sacrifies and hard work under such trying conditions. God Bless!