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3 Homicides in 3 Days

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3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 15th, 2004 @ 1:39AM (19 years ago)

Citizens For Fair Treatment of Police needs volunteers for a liaison from every district and every platoon! Also, need someone from every specialized unit

We need people to deliver information to every officer on their platoon and relay messages about an upcoming event with political and community figures prepared to take action on several serious issues involving the police dept. I.E shortage, radio staff shortage, lack of respect & criminals running this city. As well as Christopher 2X being given the keys to the city and Veteran's Day being made Christopher 2X Day here in Louisville. Also, other issues concerning The Mayor and the general treatment of the officers.

Please contact Bridget Abell @ Bridget@supportpolice.com or support4police@aol.com 502-727-2544

This event will soon be announced and will be crucial for all officers to attend. Shall we call it a take back our Respect event... We will take back this city. We promise, you are in for big surprises. Since your mayor, police chief and fop president have not been there to stand up for you. We have found a few strong voices that will!!!


Bridget Abell, Founder

Citizens for Fair Treatment of Police

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 6th, 2004 @ 9:46AM (19 years ago)

Not a surprise with the current administration. Was it not too long ago when a certain division commander, a Major, told the officers under her command to not Police aggressively, to just make thier runs. Well nothing was done about this by the Chief, so basically the blood of all these homicides in the west end is on the Chiefs hands. Thanks for destroying our community Chief White, crime is worse than ever.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 7th, 2004 @ 3:34AM (19 years ago)

First of all I would like to express my deepest condolences for the families of the victims lost in the recent string of violence. Where is the news media now to let the public know what really goes on in our department and how this screwed up administration is directly affecting the safety of the the citizens of louisville. We all know that Chief Puppet is not going anywhere, at least not till we get rid of Uncle Jerry in a couple years. But what about the fine Major in the west end? Luckily im not assigned to her scenic district (divison I mean). What happened to her after her infamous MEMO to her officers? NOTHING! The chief gave her a "talkin to." So as the violence escalates Chief puppet says he's going to creat a new unit to combat this violence. Does he mean re-create the one that he dismantled in his infamous wisdom during his realignment that is working so "effectively." Somebody help us!

Oh yeah almost forgot thanks for the 2% Jerry!

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 7th, 2004 @ 10:13AM (19 years ago)

Stop being so dramatic. No matter how many officers are on the street it will not affect the rate of homicides.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 7th, 2004 @ 6:01PM (19 years ago)

Makes me wonder? What does it take for elected and appointed "METRO" officials, namely the Mayor and the Police Chief to admit that they screwed up? Lets look at some simple numbers, On the first reorganization the chief got rid of several specialty units and put the officers back in the districts. Approx 100 officers. At that time we had 10 districts. 100 divided by 10 puts 10 in each district. They were then divided into the various platoons, 1st , 2nd 3rd, Flex and Detectives. 10 divided by 5 means 2 each. When you account for off days, schools, vacations, etc. This means that the only thing that really happened is we have less officers on the street enforcing the laws.

Now we have gone through a second reorganization where we downsized the number of districts from 10, to 8 divisions. In most of the "Divisions" we have less officers on the streets because we have less beats but the officers that are working are covering a larger area do to the simple fact that the land mass has not changed. Something else that did not change was the run volume. In the busiest divisions we now have a problem with runs being held for longer periods of time.

Lets see, number of homicides in this METRO city this year, Already pushing 60.

Number of traffic fatalities, Also pushing 60.

Thats pushing 120 members of this community no longer with us. Any of them related to YOU?

Lets see, who's getting blamed? The beat officer, because they take to long getting to you, or not out proactively enforcing the law.

Where is the Street Crimes Unit when you need them? Disolved!

Where is the Traffic Unit ? Cut from a combined strength of 62 down to 21 for a new merged unit that is supposed to be able to respond to all accidents on the x-way system and enforce all traffic laws.

Where are the rest of the specialty units that actually worked the street enforcing the laws? Also Disolved.

Makes me wonder! Is it about time to put these units back together and start saving lives in this community?

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 7th, 2004 @ 6:30PM (19 years ago)

It is a shame that as soon as an article like this is printed, it is already outdated. Homicides will continue to rise and they can be directly related to the poor policy decisions of Robert White.

It is shameful that he continues to backpedal and pretend there isn't a problem when he is the one that created the problem with hie grand "decentralization" plan.

The families of the dead are the ones that are suffereing now. I hope you can sleep with that on your conscience Chief White.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 7th, 2004 @ 10:00PM (19 years ago)

...and Chief Bob's answer to the violence...? He says 'we'll have to reassess...'. that's nice. the last spike in homicides resulted in overtime for the homicide detectives! Oh boy! Forget the street cop who PREVENTS the crimes from happening in the first place, lets give overtime so that they can investigate them AFTER they happen! that sounds really smart, Bob.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 7th, 2004 @ 10:47PM (19 years ago)

It was once said, "THE BUCK STOPS HERE". When is the politicians, community, and media going to realize that the problem is the current administration, Robert White to be exact. It is his directives that the officers are following and his ideas can be attributed to all the fatalities we are having (homicide and traffic).

The people need to ask him why this is happening and hold him accountable for his actions or lack of action. Once someone is dead it is too late to say my programs are not working. OH, thats right, RW doesn't make mistakes.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 8th, 2004 @ 2:28AM (19 years ago)

Mayor and RCW...

The blood of those who have died this year is on YOUR collective hands. How many more people of this community have to die before you do something?

Give the police what they need. Fill the positions, get the communication system, and start giving a damn about Louisville.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 8th, 2004 @ 2:49PM (19 years ago)

No matter what is being expressed by us as citizens of this city, if you are a officer or not, the gold and suites in the lovely nice offices in the ivory tower downtown and mayors office will never be back out on the streets to see whats going on TODAY in Louisville. The gold did what they wanted when they first started as police officers and they climbed the golden ladder to get where they are so they wouldn't have to do it again. It's all about face time and looking presentable and to say you care and not be there at the same time. To go out and give speechs to show that answers to solve problems are being looked at in between luncheons, parties and golf outings with buddies their setting up contracts with to give services that where being done well inhouse.

With all the murders that have happened, the only citizen groups primarily on the street pushing for change where the Muslem groups. They're doing what they can to try and teach young men some common sense. But what about the parents that say there children are angels and trying to be veternarians and at the same time stealing, robbing, gangbanging and involved in drug activity. Where is the Justice Resource Center on trying to get projects together to help curb this activity. It's appereant CAPA and the other groups aren't doing anything to help curb the violence because they don't see police action being involved. They're waiting for police to do something just so they can say they are doing something because the hate police all together (good or bad). It took the many deaths in a weekend just to bring the chief into the neighborhoods of downtown Louisville, which I bet was a field trip to where he has never been before.

This department is going downhill fast and with almost 2 years as a new department and new government, jobs have been cut, retirements hit hard from those who would have stayed longer prior to merger, and people leaving to persue other interest or departments. Look at all the money being saved to pay the cronies for looking good. We are starting to be ranked up with Lexington only with higher pay.

Let us hope that when and if a new adminstation comes along that things will be a lot better than now. The good times are WAY in the past and the only thing we have to remember them by are year books.

They say you have to go though some storms to get something good out of it. Does that mean we have to wait another 2 years? Lets hope the good is coming very soon for this administration and the storm is about to pass if they want to gain support for the next election year.

Parents need to start getting in there kids sh** and not letting other people clean up what they needed to do when their kids where first born. These justice groups need to start educating the youth on being upstanding young citizens since thats what they say they are. Teach them about doing the right thing and not the thug thing. The adminstration needs correct what they or was already broken and get it going soon whether they admit they were wrong or not .........SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. The citizens of Louisville need your HELP.

3 Homicides in 3 Days

November 8th, 2004 @ 4:02PM (19 years ago)

How come the citizens of this community are the ones who suffer from a group of people more concerned about beautifing the area than public safety? Isn't that the first line of public office code, "public safety is #1"?

Obviously 4th street live, Music in the parks, street cleaning in rural areas, sister city in a foreign county that benefits us HOW?, new parking meters among others that do nothing for the safety of this community. This city is a new "model " for the country as this adminisrtation has said in the past, how HILLBILLY and STUPID do we look now? A new government more concerned about how we look visually than how we are percieved as a city who protects tthier citizens.

Our police are some of the most professional I have ever met, and yet thier cheif is trying to make them the responsibile party for all this crime. Why does the public not get any of this information about all the "speciality units" being dissolved? and how thier work in the past directly effected the safety of this commuinty? 130 officers short and their administartion saying the crime is not directly related, WAKE UP!!!! All that is doing is telling criminals across this country that CRIME IS FREE IN LOUISVILLE, which effects new business from coming and new residents from moving to our city.

National model......for what a city who dosent care about thier citizens safety let alone its police officers and fire fighters.

This admisrtation has done a horrible job and something needs to be done to correct the problems facing Louisville. It takes little time for a bad seed to germinate and plant its roots, it takes twice as long to get rid it. Act now or Louisville will be the LAST place in the country anyone would want to live!!!

I know I'm voting for whoever is running agaist this current mayor!!!!