LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship?


RE: Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship?

January 7th, 2009 @ 1:05AM (15 years ago)

Heck yeah!

It seems his executive decisions which he and his staff have interpreted as his and his alone have gotten us into this mess. He thinks he can spend and will not have to pay for it down the road. It is like that comment he made about the Center City Projcet not costing any budgetted money because it was spent on bond money. That is like buying a set of matresses on the 6 months same as cash deal...Yes, i didn't spend any moneym but down the road the bill will come due.

I am tired of all the lies comming from his office.

RE: Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship?

January 7th, 2009 @ 7:03AM (15 years ago)

You got it right - we are ALL to blame. Voting is just one piece of the puzzle, it is our duty to make sure that the general public is accurately informed as to what is going on. I know any number of officers who didn't do anything to work to get anyone other than JA elected, no signs, no bumper stickers, no talking to everyone at every opportunity - offduty, of course.

He is down to one deputy mayor, and supposedly Kim Allen's directors will now answer to him. Gosh, he may have to actually DEAL with stuff - or more likely, he'll just leave the directors to deal with the issues.

Yes, of course, any elected official can be impeached. But you have to prove malfeasance, PROVE IT. We all know that he's playing with the money, but bad judgment isn't enough.

RE: Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship?

January 7th, 2009 @ 10:20AM (15 years ago)

" step up and do some right and either step down or start taking major steps "

That's a lot of steppin' you want ol' Jer to do. But then, he is the best when it comes to the 2 step boogie.