LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

West Buechel adds police department


RE: West Buechel adds police department

July 31st, 2012 @ 2:54PM (12 years ago)

That will be two new Lieutenant positions open to be filled. I thought the Mayor and Chief would cut some of the promotions. We have way to many Lieutenants anyway. They run over top each other.

RE: West Buechel adds police department

July 31st, 2012 @ 4:52PM (12 years ago)

Yvette Gentry announced today that she will be leaving LMPD, she is headed to West Buechel to become Car 2. Pay increase? Maybe!!! Obviously what she and the other Assistant Chief's of Police are not earning their money. Crime keeps going up and going up.

You would think the top high 4 ranking people of this police dept could come up with a crime fighting tool. It has been made clear that putting more marked & uniform officer's on the streets will not solve the problem-----just look at the incident a month ago, the lady shot another lady in front of a police officer causing the officer to shoot the suspect, and this was at a scene of a double homicide.

RE: West Buechel adds police department

July 31st, 2012 @ 5:10PM (12 years ago)

please enlighten us to why she was forced....She needs to remember what goes around comes around.

RE: West Buechel adds police department

July 31st, 2012 @ 9:24PM (12 years ago)

Phil Turner took care of Carolyn Nunn, now Gentry takes care of Andrea Brown. Carolyn is in the same boat as Brown, no one wanted her when she got promoted. That should tell each of them something. Birds a feather will flock together. Lynn Hunt is a good person, she has done nothing that any other person on this department has not done. Nunn, Brown, Gentry all need to go!!!