LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Steve Conrad to be new Louisville chief, source says


RE: Steve Conrad to be new Louisville chief, source says

February 23rd, 2012 @ 1:19AM (12 years ago)
Posted by: JohnRocker

But the days off are a big plus to let an officer get away and decompress.... that's why a lot of departments have tried twelves.... 14 of 28 days off a month can go a long way towards decompressing...... of course as many runs as you'd catch you earn it

RE: Steve Conrad to be new Louisville chief, source says

February 23rd, 2012 @ 8:47AM (12 years ago)

the 10 hour shifts do wonders for morale meaning that any increase in complaints you fear from the extra time are off set due to happier employees. if the time book is done right you can spread out the days to have better coverage. i know, its been done on my shift where our low days are 12 people high days are 16 after going to the hybrid. as for complaints, studies from years ago found that most happened on an officer's 5th and 6th day so by going to a 4 by 10 you eliminate the 2 days that generate the most complaints on a 6 day by 8 hour shift. think your tired after working 2 extra hours try 2 extra days. also by having shifts on 10 hour days you have shift over laps which greatly reduce over time costs. so lets see, morale improves, better work, complaints decrease, and saves the tax payers money. yeah your right lets get ride of those crappy 10 hour days. they have no merit what so ever.