LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

City gets $11 million bill for interest on Louisville firefighter pensions


RE: City gets $11 million bill for interest on Louisville firefighter...

February 9th, 2012 @ 3:45PM (12 years ago)

I agree. I have never had a mechanic be rude to me however I don't go in there demanding either..........they can't help the fact that we were merged, the garages were moved then combined and now they wont hire any more mechanics! Geeze guys they are getting it just like we are. They hate working on all those old beaters. They break they fix they break they fix........

Yep Yep

February 9th, 2012 @ 8:05PM (12 years ago)

I have been on on the job for 13 years now and experienced the past and currenct system and the morphing of the two. Our mechanics do a good, solid job. They are also responsible for every other agency out there as well, and seem to keep on truckin' just fine to me. Yes I wish the system was smoother, but they do a good job with what they got and with what they get, when they get it.