LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Man charged with attempted murder of officers


RE: Man charged with attempted murder of officers

December 6th, 2011 @ 10:57PM (12 years ago)

I have had some small part in the process of releasing criminals much to the disagreement to police officers. Here's the deal, police officers usually have a one tracked mindset in the arena of releasing people from jail. Many police officers don't believe in the concept of plea bargaining or reduced sentences. Thank God for a system that allows for limited power to each section of the judicial system. I cannot make an arrest, but a police officer cannot impose a sentence. If most officers had their way, a misdemeanor sentence for 90 days to serve would mean nothing short of that. Well, I say if you have that same reasoning, you are a very naive thinker. Many laws (or should I say most) are up for interpretation when the actual act is examined. I would not want to prosecute many police officers' cases because a loss in a trial is guaranteed.