LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Terry Meiners found not guilty in speeding case; officer threatens defamation lawsuit


RE: Terry Meiners found not guilty in speeding case; officer...

November 15th, 2011 @ 11:54PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: bg

I am sure this guys comment will be used against Sam and the dept. Good work genius!

RE: Terry Meiners found not guilty in speeding case; officer...

November 16th, 2011 @ 2:06PM (12 years ago)

Do me a favor rookie, when you go in tonight ask your FTO to read my post to you and try to explain it in his kindergarden voice so you will understand it. The point of my post was this, 1.) he wasn't paying attention because he was talking on his phone and DID'NT see the vehicle that was speeding between us. 2.) even after an ON DUTY LEO tried to explain it to him, he still wanted to write a ticket to the on duty LEO and 3.) he only didn't write it because I yelled and screemed about it. I also find if funny that your calling me stupid when you spell you "U" and your "UR". Grow up and speek and spell like a man, not some teenie bopper on her cell phone texting (I'm assuming your a girl becasue you act and speek like one, ROTFLMAOYDAR).