LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

2 men arrested after shots are fired at officers during chase near school


RE: 2 men arrested after shots are fired at officers during chase...

August 26th, 2011 @ 8:44AM (13 years ago)

okay... this is the Lmpd site so I am Lmpd and prior to this system I had a uhf mobile and uhf handheld and a vhf mobile and vhf handheld... if ems, shivley or jtown or LFD called a 10-30 or just something exciting was going on I COULD SWITCH TO THEIR PRIMARY CHANNEL AND LISTEN AND TALK IF I WANTED TO ALL WHILE STILL LISTENING TO MY PRIMARY LMPD CHANNEL

Now with the new radio if EMS or Jtown called a 10-30 I cant hear schittttttttt... I can hear it now... "radio can u have the officer getting his *** kicked or shot switch over to mutual aide so I can hear him and talk to him..... U dont listen and dont know what radios we had....