LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mayor Fischer tries out firefighter's uniform


RE: Mayor Fischer tries out firefighter's uniform

April 4th, 2011 @ 8:10PM (13 years ago)

Well sir, this is one of those cases when you have "facts" and then you have reality. Kinda like saying we have 1200 officers on the street, it ain't so.

Yeah there were fly cars, but you Rarely saw them, and then it was usually supervisors driving them. After that incident they started cranking out those fly cars. And yes believe it or not, we are agreeing on this. It made LEMS look bad, Real Bad. Especially when they (the ones in charge) tried to point fingers stating the officers didn't wait for EMS, then it was proven otherwise. Then it was all over the news they are putting more fly cars on the street so that would not happen again. aka: PR They were too cheap to put enough crews on the street, and then the worst happened.

So yeah, I have my facts straight. And I was paying attention. I'm still working there by the way.