LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police Chief Robert White fires detective Crystal Marlowe


RE: Police Chief Robert White fires detective Crystal Marlowe

January 11th, 2011 @ 7:06PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: BP III

What has to be embarrassing for the friends and family of this young woman, who made the decision to get behind the wheel after a day of drinking is, they admitted to officers that they had been drinking with her at the same party and still let her get behind the wheel. In one article, it stated her parents were at the same party, obviouosly with her drinking in front of them. The immense guilt that all these people must feel for doing absolutely nothing, nothing to change the actions of this woman or the course of the day must be maddening to them. It was possible, it was right there in front of them, yet they did nothing. That will stay with them I am sure, forever. It was her choice to get behind the wheel, it was their choice to turn a blind eye, yet there are so many people stating the responsibility for this tragic "accident" rests with the officer? Jimmy was reacting to still further bad choices this young lady had been making the entire day. Behind the wheel drunk, wrong!; not yielding the right of way to oncoming traffic, wrong!; texting while driving drunk, wrong!!! A tragedy bottom line, but a lot of people failed this young woman.