LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police Chief Robert White fires detective Crystal Marlowe


RE: Police Chief Robert White fires detective Crystal Marlowe

January 8th, 2011 @ 5:18PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: point of view

it is his the sgts job and an easy one at that. He failed,this went on for 2 years. He needs to be demoted and the Lt. Had the courier journal asked about the sgt and lt and made it part of the story they would have been.

RE: Police Chief Robert White fires detective Crystal Marlowe

January 8th, 2011 @ 10:08PM (13 years ago)

My problem is: #1 a Vacancy posting comes open for District Detective, Homicide Detective, Crimes Against Children Detective, Sex Crimes Detective etc, etc, etc A beat officer see's the posting and applies, gets the position and so on. As soon as they are transferred they begin the Detective roll, without any prior training in becoming a Detective. Yes i'm sure most will moan and groan that a beat officer is qualified, yes i feel that they are, BUT I think they need specialty training in crime scene investigation, interrogation, photo pack lineups, or person lineups. They make Newly Appointed Sergeants complete a Supervisors 40 hour Inservice Class, and I think Newly appointed Detectives need training. Anyone can apply for any open vacancy, wheather they are qualified or not. Newly appointed Detectives need "Specialty Unit Training". As much as policy changes who knows from day to day if you are violating a policy or not.