LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Officer fires shots at car in store parking lot


RE: Officer fires shots at car in store parking lot

December 18th, 2010 @ 3:01AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Jonas

Satan had nothing to do with your downfall. The mistakes you made were your decisions alone. Your poor choices have left you bereft of kin and kid. Your life is in a shambles and there is no one left to protect you and/or cover for you. Your financial ruin could not be the worst thing in your life. Your failure as a mother has to be much more damaging to your soul. Every time you visit your child in prison it reminds you of the horrible examples you set for them.

Prostate yourself before god or exclaim on facebook what a good christian you are for we already know that you have never repented for your multitude of sins. GOD does forgive, but like an alcoholic you must admit you problem and seek help before you can lay claim to salvation.