LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Okolona woman sues over SWAT team break-in


RE: Okolona woman sues over SWAT team break-in

March 25th, 2010 @ 11:48PM (14 years ago)
Posted by: THE BATMAN

This will be my last post for you.

1. You contradict yourself. In #1 you stated: "YOU are the ones that blatantly lie to the public pretending that you put your lives on the line everyday, that simply wearing the uniform makes you some kind of hero." Then you state in #2 "not once have I said their job isnt a dangerous one with POTENTIALLY life threatening situations." Which is it civilian?

2. Im not a big ticket cop. I write tickets when I see blatant violations, I'm not one to sit on stop signs or set up waiting on speeders. Its not a big deal to me however, it is a big deal to those who complain to the council members who in return complain to my Chief. Then guess what, sometimes because its part of police work I have to sit somewhere and write a $135.00 ticket. I don't like it but its part of the job. Oh and by the way I'm a tax paying citizen as well. I dont like paying taxes that go to "help" useless people that wont help themselves i.e. Obama Care and so on.

3. Your right I wouldnt write another cop a ticket for a minor traffic violation nor would I write a family member or friend. Perk of the job deal with it. If you work at the airport you get to fly for free and if you work at McDonalds you eat for free; you dont see me crying about that. Plenty of perks with certain jobs.

THIS CIVILIAN IS REALITY. It is clear that you dont like cops. Your **** poor attitude isnt going to help you get out of a ticket.

RE: Okolona woman sues over SWAT team break-in

March 28th, 2010 @ 3:40AM (14 years ago)

Damn liberals!!!!!!!!!!!!! you'll see reality one day my friend.