LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Man wielding hammer shot and killed by police


RE: Man wielding hammer shot and killed by police

February 21st, 2010 @ 10:02PM (14 years ago)

You must be a new guy???? oh please, the CJ lie's on people and officer's all the time, i dont believe S#$& that they say in the paper, nor along the thug's that act like they are innocent, and profit from the city. Just wait till your head is on the chopping block and they do a front page paper on you when your doing your job and innocent of the charges. Obviously if the detective did something obviously wrong she would be suspended without power's... this is a BS case, just something for the thug's to make a profit over. Even the Victim in the case of the poor girl who was in jail and was just so terrified being in there said that FOR SURE THAT SHE WAS THE ONE WHO ROBBED HER. Ugh i think that's good enough to get a Warrant of Arrest for............ Just like the girl who called Police over the guy who got shot with the hammer, she was SO SCARED FOR HER LIFE that she called police even in an interview with the New's said she was, but when questioned weather the police was justified with shooting the guy with the hammer, SHE SAID NO. Then why call the Police for help. She looked stupid saying that...... and it sure didnt make any sense. My point is stand behing the men and women of lmpd until your proved wrong, just because you have a vendetta with someone and dont personally like someone dont mean you have to turn your back on them... there are several i dont personally care about myself, but it's a dangerous job and you need support from within your peer's.

Alot of talk about smoke

February 22nd, 2010 @ 9:13AM (14 years ago)

How many times, or shall I ask, what is the percentage ratio of the local media making thier own smoke (so to speak). To clarify: Compare, officers you personally know, when they were slammed in the paper, if the reporters had told the entire story it would have explained the reason for the story away.

This is in response to the post, and I have heard it said, "there seems to be alot of smoke on this one."

I know of two officers that were slammed by the CJ. And if they had completely gone through the records there were legit explainations for the situations in question.
