LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Abramson strikes out!


RE: Abramson strikes out!

May 19th, 2009 @ 10:37PM (15 years ago)

You should call the officers out by name if you have specific examples or better yet report them to their Chief...or are you saying ALL officers do this? Isn't there a term for this, oh yeah stereotyping. You know thats the wrong way to be...It's a sign of ignorance. I think we have a responsibility to watch out for the abuse of power, in all government. But to say ALL police are egotistical, power abusing people is simply incorrect. Unless you know all police officers, everywhere and have seen each one abuse their authority.. I think I will err on the side of the officers and thank them for the job they do. The bad ones tend to be caught. Like our legal system, its the best we have at this time.