LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The Heroes of Ronwood


RE: The Heroes of Ronwood

April 30th, 2009 @ 8:10AM (15 years ago)


Some of you people need to evaluate what your goals are for your career. Then you need to figure out how you can use the Dept. to further that goal. Don't let the Dept. or the command staff use you, you use them. You are just a number and a device. Some have figured that out, and move around so to position themselves to achieve that goal. The mature ones see the potential of this practice, while sadly others don't.

By the way, depending on your goal, will decide where you need to look, be it in the 1st thru the 8th.

But I understand that some fail to recognize this importance, hence the ego trip of where you work.

It's a matter of if you work not where you work.

RE: The Heroes of Ronwood

June 24th, 2017 @ 4:33PM (7 years ago)

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