LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze


RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

May 1st, 2009 @ 2:10PM (15 years ago)

funny how none of you have anything to say, especially that hypocrite "mom" when confronted by the truth that you are a bunch of liars.

RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

May 2nd, 2009 @ 6:08PM (15 years ago)

Well, out of curiosity, I took a look at those top 10 deadly occupations, and here they are:

10- Truck drivers-27 out of 100,000, though it does not say how many on average die per year.

9-Electric power line workers-34 out of 100,000 with about 36 killed per year

8-Roofers-35 out of 100,000 with 94 deaths in 2005

7-Farmers and Ranchers-38 out of 100,000- no yearly average

6-Refuse collectors (Garbage men)-42 out of 100,000, with 38 deaths per year

5-Steel and Iron Construction workers-61 out of 100,000 with about 31 deaths per year

4-Lumberjacks-81 out of 100,000 with about 64 deaths per year

3-Pilots-88 out of 100,000 with about 101 deaths per year

2-Commercial Fishermen-142 out of 100,000 with 51 deaths per year on average

1-Cell phone tower workers-184 out of 100,000 with 18 killed in 2006

Well, having said that, so far this year (5 months into the year) there have been 43 police officers killed in the line of duty, and total for 2008 there were 134 total police officers lost in the line of duty. Gee, that's more than any of the top ten listed on the website that you told us to look at. There have been more officer killed in the first 5 months of 2009 than the #1 most deadly occupation listed in 2006. Huh....how does that happen. Could your statistics be wrong, or did you just not look at them right? I'm sure you will have a rebuttal for this post, telling me that I looked at the wrong website (here it is by the way, so you can have a look as well: www. listverse.com/health/top-10-most-fatal-occupations/) or you'll say that most police officers are killed in traffic accidents. That is true, because we stand out in traffic while performing our duties more than anyone that I can think of, funny enough, though, that's the main reason for trucker deaths as well, or something else. But since you are so bent on quoting statistics I figure I'd look some up for myself. I await your pathetic response.....