LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze


RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 24th, 2009 @ 5:44PM (15 years ago)

as soon as you explain how making you all mad somehow negates the truth. IF they are correct or not? Well, its pretty simple, if they are NOT correct, then you can prove that fact. i however HAVE proven what I say, so please explain to me how pointing out how you are arrogant and ignorant is somehow justified because I made you mad?

Arrogance, ignorance and dignity do not go hand in hand. Just because you do SOME things with dignity does not make you an honorable person, and unless you can prove what I have said to be wrong, then well, you dont have the honor you think you do.

heres another question, what exactly is the intended goal of getting on here and crying like babies because the mean ole mayor is not being nice to you? Erase my posts? That is just proving what I said about you being hypocrites.