LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze


RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 23rd, 2009 @ 6:00PM (15 years ago)

Silly me, I almost forgot to mention that you repeatedly chastize me for being fixated with you, or repeating the same thing, or not having anything else to do, yet once again, we have all of you harping on the mayor one more time!

I think the mayor is corrupt, I think hes a dirtbag. I think there is enough dirt on him that you could grow a garden. Its just a shame that you all have aleinated people like me, who obviously have the integity to stand up for what they believe. While I may not have the clout of connections to get things changed, I can tell by your responses that at the very minimum I can be a huge thorn in peoples paws. Too bad you dont get the benefits of my abilities!

RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 23rd, 2009 @ 8:55PM (15 years ago)

Chad, the mayor called and said you can hop back in his lap. XOXO

RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 23rd, 2009 @ 8:57PM (15 years ago)

3 You try to intimidate me with challenges to put on your uniform, and see what the job is like, yet I dont see a single one of you stepping up and challenging the mayor for his position.

4 You create "perks" for yourselves, such as unwarranted priority status over non LEOs and immunity to traffic laws, yet complain like babies when you are forced to MINIMALLY contribute to paying for a perk that apparently isnt even listed in the contract you want enforced, and even go so far as to try to scare the public into believing that it will put society as a whole in great danger as a result.

Simple, a working officer cannot run for office - it's illegal. I am hoping a retiree might step up to the plate, though.

No, the cars aren't in the contract, but they WERE listed as a job benefit when most officers were hired, just like, for example, health insurance. By that logic, the city could just quit offering full-time non-contract employees health insurance, also.

Here's the part most people ignore - by policy, an officer in a marked car (and theoretically in an unmarked car, but there is a reason why the Chief doesn't drive a marked car, even though, by law, since he isn't an investigator, his publicly owned car should be marked) MUST STOP, even if off work. For years, by unspoken understanding, officers didn't claim overtime for those stops, even though by law, they could have. Now, I would hope, each and every LMPD officer is putting those stops on their timecard, even though, of course, they won't get approved, and calling out and keeping track, so that collectively, they can go to the Labor Cabinet and claim everything due them, which will cost FAR MORE than the city will gain by having officers pay for the cars. That is black letter law, you cannot make an hourly employee (as most officers are) work and not pay them for the time. Since this isn't just an oversight, but a deliberate act on the part of certain city employees, I'd sue each and every one of them individually.

This saves the city, how?

RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 24th, 2009 @ 3:35AM (15 years ago)

Jerry Abramson, did you write all of this?

RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 24th, 2009 @ 5:08AM (15 years ago)

ok i'm gonna keep this simple for you

1, I'm a citizen

2, you make me tired

3, you write such lengthy posts in your need to constantly pontificate on the same thing that I can only muster the energy to skim through looking for keywords that are potentially interesting

4, blah blah blah... you repeat yourself a lot. does that ever get exhausting? "i'm right. you whiney cops abuse your power. you're wrong." reply, reply, reply "i'm right. you whiney cops abuse your power. you're wrong." reply reply reply "i'm right. you whiney cops abuse your power. you're wrong."

5, Reiteration: I'm not a cop so you can't really say anything to me to instigate like you try with the other guys here. I can already tell you what you'll say back... see below...

6, I wasn't exactly nice and mature and intellectual in this response to you so I'm sure you'll say something like "that's all you got?" or "wow, what a mature response" or "you're so smart but you couldn't even prove me wrong" and "you've yet to give me examples to prove cops aren't whiney hypocrites" but I simply can't get up the energy to come up with anything else for you... you just go on and on and on and oooooon... zzzzzzzzzzzzz. is this good night or good morning?

7, ignarrogance? Really? C'mon, man... at least visit urbandictionary.com for something funny that resembles a real word. You let me down with that. Usually you're so creative ;)

RE: Mayor defends $94,000 hire amid job freeze

April 28th, 2009 @ 1:28PM (15 years ago)

Just another reason this forum should be restricted to members only. This whiny ******** SOB obviously has a beef with the Police and most likely received a ticket he felt he didn't deserve (sound familiar?). I truly believe that this forum is a good thing but airing our laundry for all to see (including the Mayor's and Chief's offices) is not a good thing.