LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

7th Division Officer Shot While Responding To Domestic Call


RE: 7th Division Officer Shot While Responding To Domestic Call

April 18th, 2009 @ 1:13AM (15 years ago)

You must have been traumatized at some point in your life and have a beaf against authority. Did Daddy get locked up for smackin Mommy? Did you get tired of watchin your girl sigh at the sight of a man in blue? Come on, just say it. You wish you were me,... but because your not, your mad. Sounds like you have a self esteem problem amd you blame us for feeling small. Did your parents devalue your needs, and make you feel like you really didnt matter?

Why do we close the road for one of our own? Because we can. Read your little drivers manual. Driving is a priveledge, not a right. We are not contracted. We are sworn into a Public Office that gives us authority. Just like a Judge or a Legislator. Remember the three branches of government thing. We have the authority to shut down any road we choose, if we choose, and if legislators want to make a law to stop us, then they can. Most of them recognize what we really do and find it very reasonable. You love the term Public Servant. Use that term to address the Judge the next time your in court. After all, thats what he is,... right. I double dog dare you. I recommend "Your Honor" Are we special? Yup, we sure are. After all the physical, psychological, emotional, and academic tests we go through,... your damn right we're special. Most of us are stronger, faster, more reasonable and capable than the average ctizen. You would know that if you've ever applied to be an Officer. Only the top get through,... most of the time. We do get special treatment at times. Both good and bad. Politicians, Judges, Military Officials, Attorney's, and anyone else with some authority has a perk or two also. I bet if one of us got nailed smoking a joint, you would be the first to point the finger. But why.. I thought we were all the same? Get over it guy. Those with great reponsibility get perks here and there, wether you agree with them or not. We are held to a higher standard, and thats ok, but dont try to lecture us on how to gaurd our flock, or take care of our own. If you dont like it, run for office and write a law; Otherwise, keep your head down. Thats how sheep graze.