LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Firefighter?s Incentive Pay


RE: Firefighter?s Incentive Pay

March 15th, 2009 @ 3:23PM (15 years ago)

It's simple - they are COUNTING on some officers keeping cars, and for the rest of you all to cave and keep cars - because you know that those that DO keep the cars will get all the good off duty. The only way to win the issue is for everyone to stick together. But that is a concept that LMPD seems to have no idea about, and why the department is suffering such a deep morale problem.

The firefighters certainly had a choice to fight the overall issue, and not settle the case for pennies. They chose to stick together and fight it, and not give in to a mayor that wants to run over their public safety folks. The state legislature did not FIX the issue - and I'll note, I haven't read the bill, but if it decided that incentive pay isn't applied to overtime, guess what, it won't apply to POLICE overtime either. (LMPD, just like all other police agencies in the fund in Kentucky, have been getting the OT calculated with the incentive pay included, because unlike the Fire Commission, there is an entity in Kentucky that audits for policing agencies.)

RE: Firefighter?s Incentive Pay

March 15th, 2009 @ 7:45PM (15 years ago)

THAT attitude is why we are getting our A@# handed to us now.

Wake up people! when we started seperating ourselves making "individual choices " is when we get in these messes.

Remember when we said "together" we were going to turn the cars in "together" ,,,,,you heard crickets from downtown. so they had to come up with a way to seperate us again.