LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Senator Introduces Transparency Bill. Gives More Power To Metro Council


RE: Senator Introduces Transparency Bill. Gives More Power To...

February 13th, 2009 @ 1:48PM (15 years ago)

From talking with some of the EMS crews, they use OT to cover furlough days, as well. Seems silly, and I'd bet they're paying out more than they're saving. Of course, this is just punishment for our unions (FOP, IAFF) supporting Jerry. I'd include the EMS guys in there, but their union supports the big headed one...the crews don't, just the sellout union bosses.

Remember to call your state legislators and express your support for SB119. It's in committee currently, and they'll meet next Wednesday. We need to get them to vote in favor of the bill, and send it to the full Senate. There's a time factor on this, as well...The full legislature doesn't meet at all next week, just committee meetings. That leaves the last week of the month and the first week of March to get this passed in this session. Call, email, and write your state senators/representatives in support of the bill. Have your friends and family do the same. The more people from the area, and even from around the state, that do this, the better chance we have of getting it passed. You can find who to call at w w w dot lrc dot ky dot gov slash legislators dot htm (since we can't post URL's)