LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Continuing the Battle


RE: Continuing the Battle

February 12th, 2009 @ 7:49PM (15 years ago)

Bakers get free bread, Fisherman get free fish, get over it.

RE: Continuing the Battle

February 12th, 2009 @ 10:23PM (15 years ago)

Dude why do you have this fixation on the police, it does not seem healthy.

Get some therapy.

RE: Continuing the Battle

February 13th, 2009 @ 2:20PM (15 years ago)

Well sir, you obviously have a point. I believe , in accordance with your logic, that we (the aforementioned cops) should quit. Stop doing the job because we obviously cannot enforce every law every time. Lord forbid if we actually violated one of those sacrosant laws ourselves. Of course there is a difference between a criminal and a violator. A criminal breaks a law that has its basis in KRS. Crimes are broken down into misdemeanors and felonies. Violatiions are more the rule bending kinda thing.You know, speeding, improper lane changes stuff like that. Now, are we equating violations with criminal conduct? If so, that is unwise because non-police are not held to that standard. So police should not be either. That doesnt excuse the improper behavior but that doesnt make the cop a criminal. That makes him human. Unless of course you are saying that you have never violated traffic laws. I know I have. Again, it doesn't make it right, it just makes it so. I would encourage you, that if are are aware of any officer engaged in criminal conduct, to bring the allegation to the Public Integrity Unit.They dont look at "violators" only criminals. As a matter of fact, through their work they have cost several officers their jobs as well as turned some bad cops into convicted felons. All of them needed to go (with the obvious exception of McKenzie Mattingly, his firing was politically motivated out of the chiefs office).

You obviously are familiar with how forums operate. Many people will vent and say things because they are frustrated and cannot find a better way to argue their point. That doesnt make them bad people or bad cops, just human. If you feel threatened here, perhaps you should either get down off of your high horse and try relating to people, regardless of their station in life, as human and therefore falliable, go to Public Integrity, or go elsewhere. You are welcome here to argue your point, as far as I'm concerned, your tone however, is a bit condescending and not well received or appreciated. Perhaps, if you are trying to persuade, you will moderate your words. If, however, you are trying to antogonize....who cares.

So, how does it work? It works like everything else in life does. If another trucker needs a break and you are in a position to give it to him, do you? Even if it violates some company rule? Is it a rule you would be willing to waive for someone else? Like the frustrated mother of three trying to get to a doctors appointment and runs a red light? If she doesn't get a ticket everytime, then according to your logic some convention of society has been broken and the cop should turn in his badge. Well, we have discretion and we use it. That applies to other cops as well as the average citizen. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for ill. Thats life.

Once again, how does it work? Why do cops speed? (yeah, you guessed it) For the same reason a dog licks his balls. Because he can. Doesn't make it right or very pretty, it's just the way it is.

Slant Daddy (for all you 3rd Division youngsters)