LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Continuing the Battle


RE: Continuing the Battle

February 9th, 2009 @ 6:33PM (16 years ago)

Your the type of guy that corrects everything people say that isn't exactly correct (A know it all), why do you care if some " fact" is wrong on this web site, what's the big deal with you. If you don't like what we say you can always stop coming to this web site. I bet you annoy the heck out of your friends and family with all of your correcting and berating people for getting something wrong that doesn't really matter, this isn't a courtroom ....who's more likely to get hurt at work...who cares?!!!

RE: Continuing the Battle

February 9th, 2009 @ 7:51PM (16 years ago)

There, you have cleared your name. Now why don'y you go find someone else's website to express your oopinions on? You are obviously not interested in the betterment of my profession just as I am not interested in yours. I have a brother who drives over the road. His only interest iny profession is those sneaky troopers hiding in the grass.( I love my brothers in gray... don't anyone have a conniption.) Point is instead of arguing and beefing either do something constructive or just don't post. Yes your opinions do irritate some people. Yes some have responded in a juvenile manner. Just so we know, you meant well butyou are not one of us, you are not afiliated with us either perippherally or directly so please do yourself and us a favor and stop posting here. IT may not be fair or just in your eyes, but neither is life,