LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Waiting for the other shoe to drop?


RE: Waiting for the other shoe to drop?

January 14th, 2009 @ 8:56PM (15 years ago)

That is what is so damn ludicrous about the whold situation. He blows wind at the public by saying that the city will save umpteen millions of dollars with the furloughs and then the agencies have to staff people so the have to pay overtime which doesn't save money but costs even more.

C'mom "Bad Chad" how about a snippy little comment on that? The decisions comming out of the puzzle palace are so far off from reality. Yeah Jer... we are going to run with less that full staff in the jail of on ambulances jsut to save you a few sheckles. What a fool and for those that believed him you are fools also.

Like the snivler that wrote him an e-mail thanking her for not laying her off. Jerry you are a liar and you still haven't shown anyone the books because they would reveal allo of oyur crooked deals.

How have you been doing in the stock market lately Jer? Did you recently lose a bunch of cash? Oh that's right you had diverted City money to make those purchases and you lost it. You gambled and lost. Isn't that illeagal????

RE: Waiting for the other shoe to drop?

January 16th, 2009 @ 12:17AM (15 years ago)

You must correct yourself because apparently you are resentful of the fact that Metro Safe is hiring 12 people. Do you not think that dispatchers and call takers retire? DO they not need to be replaced? C'mom dude. We could not function without them and they are getting burnt out just like we are running short handed all the time. It isn't right and it isn't safe.

Metro Safe, like the police department and the fire departmetn and corrections and ems are not part of the "hiring freeze" I actually think that was one of his made up statements anyway, because he sure as hell will replace anyone he wants too.

Did you notice after the hell that was raised here on the Jane Driscoll issue of here still signing checks tht on this week's check her signature wasn't there. Don't tell me they don't read this website! So ES D Jerry!