LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Waiting for the other shoe to drop?


This is an American expression that literally means that you are waiting for something else bad to happen. I have never been a harbinger of future events nor one to dwell overly long on the negative side of something, but I cannot foresee anything but more trouble coming out of the Mayor's Office for awhile.

In the past couple of weeks, we the people, we the little guys & gals have boldly stood up and told him that enough is enough and that we do not believe his lies and stories. Most people were content in knowing that while indeed everything was not perfect in City Hall, it was good enough and we were glad not to have politicians that made front page headlines with their corruption like we have seen in so many other communities around the country.

We have seen Governors, Senators, Mayors, Council People & people in all areas of government over the years take the fall when caught with their hands in the cookie jar. It doesn't just run in government, because we have seen the greed and corruption in private business that have impoverished families and caused ruin to retirement savings.

It bothers me that we were content with the shenanigans in City Hall in the first place. We were too often busy with our own interests to take interest in our own government. We have seen that by letting them have free reign with the decision making and poor choices that we are on the brink of financial disaster and that is not acceptable.

Sleepily we sat back and watched as glib announcements were made. We watched the pretty fireworks and the fancy façade that Abramson gave our city but we didn't pay attention to the smell of the corruption backing up our sewers. We smiled when Jerry called Louisville ?Possibility City? and the ?16th Largest City in the Country?; all the while knowing that our home town was moving along and getting better despite the way he was unrealistic in his endeavors to bring about change just for the sake of change. The community awoke and resoundingly said ?No? to his feeble lie called a Library Tax. Now the sleeping giant is waking up to see that when you start looking at the whole picture that you find years of back door dealing and mismanagement of monumental proportions.

Some things more than others that did not seem proper stood out and came to our attention. Many times because the media was either unwilling or unable to play a part in finding out exactly what was going on these things were allowed to transpire. I cannot just blame them for this; we must all blame ourselves for our own failure to make sure our own local government was run properly.

We chuckled when Abramson was dubbed Mayor for Life. We put up with his eccentricities because we did not want to get involved. That has become the American way. ?Let's sit back and let somebody else do the job?; and then we are shocked when we find out that our allowance of this inequity has created a monster.

Recently a bipartisan group of council members went to the Kentucky State Attorney General to ask him if Abramson truly had the powers that he and his sycophants proclaim that he does. How have we allowed it to get to this point?

We have called him King Jerry and Mayor for Life for so long that I believe he truly thinks of himself that way. How else can he make decisions that have driven this community to the brink of ruin and not feel any qualms about blaming others for his misfortunes?

When after years of financial malfeasance that have wrecked our economy he chose to announce that we are going ahead with Center City with hardly any guarantees from an out of state company and then a week later proclaiming we are broke makes me and a lot of others want to scream. To top it all off he turns around and says that he will furlough people from almost every agency; he will charge the police for their cars and that every person that works for the government must help bail him out.

The little people rose up and asked why? They asked how it got so bad. Every agency has questioned not only his authority but has posed legal challenges that he has received defeat on at every turn. They asked to see the books and have been stalled and refuted at every angle.

This isn't just one group saying what is going on is unjust. It is everyone. People are tired of hearing the same old lies coming out of his mouth and the mouths of his half dozen overpaid spokes people.

It is time for Abramson's arrogance and belligerence to come to an end. As we near the dates of more court hearings we can only sit back and wonder what he will try and do next? We have seen that he does not take defeat well and that he is vindictive and mean spirited to those that oppose him. As Metro workers and citizens of this community we all are awaiting what he will do next to us and to our community. He has not gotten his way and like a spoiled child he will throw his tantrum and then out of spite he will react negatively to all this opposition.

Remember that we have pointed out many truths about what has gone on over the years and have suffered the consequences because of it. The Police, Fire, Corrections, EMS, Metro Safe and all other city employees have faced him on separate issues but now we are all together. We are united under one banner and have the facts and truth behind us.