LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Two men killed in separate incidents overnight

RE: Two men killed in separate incidents overnight

August 7th, 2008 @ 9:17PM (16 years ago)

Isn't it amazing how the heatwave brings out the homicidal freaks? What year was it -- a couple back I think -- we had something like 10 homicides within a 2 week range once it got sweltering outside. The heat sure can make folks crazy. HAHA. 95 degrees + humidity = birth control

RE: Two men killed in separate incidents overnight

August 7th, 2008 @ 11:37AM (16 years ago)

Thank you. I can see that they will befudle the numbers abyway they can. Kudos to the Homicide Squad for really being on their game this year. Although I also know it is a team effort and they rely on the boys and girls in blue for a lot of their information. I thank God every day for the dedicated professionals that serve proudly and humbly to protect my family and me. They serve an arrogant mayor that throws every obstacle in their paths and even so they continue to serve. He derides them through his spokesmouth/person because he doesn't have the balls to meet with them and talk with them face to face. He won't praise them or give them raises or bonuses that they deserve yet they still serve. Thank You!