LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mayor Abramson where is my raise?


RE: Mayor Abramson where is my raise?

June 22nd, 2008 @ 10:52AM (16 years ago)

I'm not web-savvy, meaning I wouldn't have a clue how to build a website, but how about a website dedicated to showing each and every time Abramson (and Metro Louisville) says one thing and does another. Not allegations, proof. When he says, "peoplesoft is broke" - demand, via open records, all the documents, emails, etc. detailing what is being done about it. Then digitize them in some way and POST THEM. I seem to recall a message a while back saying that the public has a right to know exactly how many officers are working each and every day in their respective divisions - make a page just for that, for every shift. Details, not just bodies - for example, today, 7th Division has a Sgt. and 6 beat officers, but ... one of those beat officers is spending half a day in the auto shop, 3 of them are in court all morning, and oh, one guy has to get off a half day for a doctor's appoitnment for a LOD injury a while back. And of course, the proverbial hospital duty. Suddenly, for a good part of the day, you may have only 3 officers covering the entire beat. I guarantee it would shock the public, and the council, to realize how thinly stretched the agency actually is. (And for that matter EMS, also. Fire is a little different in that while they are stretched thin, they never don't have the minimum on a crew.) Have someone on each shift responsible for calling in the lineup. Or another way, get the lineups by open records - post them, and have people annotate what was really being done during that shift.