LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police settle harassment claims by 2 officers

RE: Louisville police settle harassment claims by 2 officers

June 13th, 2008 @ 11:02AM (16 years ago)

The more we start suing and such, the more they keep nickle and diming us. That $150,000 isn't coming out of the mayor's pocket or his pet projects, it will come out of emergency services somehow. You all know how he likes to say safety is his number one priority, right? HAHAHA 16th largest city and NO POLICE HELICOPTER yet the citizens blindly keep believing everything he says, and his cronies in the department as well. Haven't seen any news reports talking about the lies that are told to the council by certain reps from LMPD, then again, I don't really think they care all that much about us either.

How about a discussion on the $30 that everyone has to pay to take a car home? Is this really going to happen and why did I hear about it first on the news? From what was said we will pay $30 a month for the privilege of driving the cars to and from work and if we drive anywhere else we have to pay $60.