LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Streets of Gold and a Hiring Freeze?


RE: Streets of Gold and a Hiring Freeze?

December 11th, 2007 @ 2:24AM (16 years ago)

ROI...what a novel idea!!!

How about telling our policemen and firefighters what we think about them by not giving them what they need. I can't wait to see the return on that investment.

Now that's what I call logical thinking.

RE: Streets of Gold and a Hiring Freeze?

December 14th, 2007 @ 6:26PM (16 years ago)

I agree about looking at return on investment, but investments should be made, only, and only when there is enough money in your budget to make such investments. What of a "rainy day" fund? Is there any funds set aside for a "what if"? If not, then funds should be set aside into a fund like that. If there is already such a creature, then choose your investments wisely. Such things as fancy curbage, while durable, are for the most part aesthetically pleasing, and not very practical at this point. With police cars falling apart, shortage of officers, firehouses in disrepair, and not to mention the streets and roads that we all drive on almost as bad as a dirt road in places, then I personally could not authorize such an expenditure. As teh expression goes: "When is enough, enough?"

RE: Streets of Gold and a Hiring Freeze?

December 11th, 2007 @ 10:40PM (16 years ago)

There are alot of thing that I would like in my house that will last a long time BUT I have to go according to my budget. At a later date, when I have the money, I can buy the replacement item that will last forever. If I have to do it why doesn't metro goverment? King Jerry is saying that the budget is short but wants to invest this money (which he does not have) into the curbs. If the money was there it would not be a problem BUT metro goverment does not have the money to invest in this kind of stuff. They need to take care of the priorities first and then the extras later.