LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Bomb squad deploys robot at bank


RE: Bomb squad deploys robot at bank

September 5th, 2007 @ 12:46PM (17 years ago)

Since you are so intelligent, as shown by you grammar, come on down and you can be the next contestant on "Is it real or not?" All you have to do is have someone (that you don't know..most like with severe mental issues, take one of two guns out of a bag run at you with it and in a split second you can decide if it is real or fake..... Now just go back to updating you myspace page about your new job at KFC and that you will be ready to take that GDE, oh sorry I meant, GED test any day now.

RE: Bomb squad deploys robot at bank

September 5th, 2007 @ 12:17PM (17 years ago)

Once again you're ill informed rhetoric shows that you do not know what you are talking about. Explain to me how they could've found that about Mr. Ray when they didn't even know who he was? That's like you walking into a bank, taking everyone hostage, and the police show up are they supposed to know who you are? There is no magic system. There is no crystal ball. Now, even if I know who you are, how do I know you have a mental illness. Mr. Ray lived by himself. We cannot access medical records. (HIPPA Laws) before you go spouting off all this "what the police should have done" crap, you should find out what you are talking about. And know all police officers should not know the difference between a big old BB gun and 22 I defy you to tell the difference when somebody's running at you with a gun. You don't know what you're talking about.