LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown meth lab

RE: 7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown...

November 2nd, 2006 @ 10:45AM (18 years ago)

He went at the officers with a GUN. He wasn't thinking about his son, or about anyone else except himself at that point. HIS criminal activity and actions dictatetd what occured. NOTHING ELSE. If HE would not had the gun and pointed it at the officers HE would still be here to say how good of a guy he is. I am sure he was going to go to vetrinary school to improve his life like the other dope dealers. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a sh*thead.

RE: 7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown...

November 3rd, 2006 @ 10:07AM (18 years ago)

Who ever said that that he got what he deserved is correct... Here's a thought don't have a meth lab, dont pull a gun on the police...those officers have kids and families too. I hate that the 13 yo has no father now but he could not have been much of an example.. I am a dispatcher and was sitting next to that channel that day and have never been more glad to here 10-86 God bless 7th div flex..