LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown meth lab

RE: 7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown...

October 19th, 2006 @ 1:26AM (18 years ago)

Thank You!

A mother of one of the officers involved in this shooting.

RE: 7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown...

October 19th, 2006 @ 1:30AM (18 years ago)

Your reply rings very true.

Thank you,

A mother of one of the officers involved in this shooting.

RE: 7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown...

October 19th, 2006 @ 7:46PM (18 years ago)

The people in Louisville should thank the four police officers .Yes my first thought that morning was is he white or black. Not that it matters but the news will leave it alone if he was white.And yes I think Jerry Abramson Should thank those four officers .They and all the LMPD put their lives on the line everyday with the drug users and the criminals that run the streets.I think they done there job well and it was by the book and they did what they were trained to do. And I thank you and will keep you and your family's in my prayer.

A Mother

RE: 7th Division Detectives involved in deadly gun battle, shutdown...

October 29th, 2006 @ 5:47AM (18 years ago)

As mentioned so many times before, the Mayor and Chief White are not concerned with our actual crime rate or the effects it has on our community.I Personally would like to shake each detectives hand involved, they AGAIN have placed their lives on the line for our community.And as for not seeing more publications of the event.....why would white on white crime be important to Local officials when we have Rev. Coleman and the rest of his "Racial/Anti Police" group in the pockets of every official.

EXAMPLE .-A white man was shot in the 7th district,the officers in the area made a fantastic response to preserve the communities safety at the time.Did you see anything in the local news or media? OF COURSE NOT

We have issues with the man power of our local Police Dept., yet the process involves a college degree to be considered, not the experience of the applicants.If Chief White is so concerned to PROTECT the community that ultimately put him in that office, maybe he should look deeper into why his own officers and those who are applying are at such arms with the decisions made in the "Departments best interest".

I seriously think that Mayor Abramson and Chief White have lost the sight of who signed the ballots to allow them to seat in those seats......The People of Louisville!!!

Maybe we need New staffing throughout the Public Office sectors.