LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Kids At Roller Rink Say They Were Maced By Officers


RE: Kids At Roller Rink Say They Were Maced By Officers

October 3rd, 2006 @ 8:01AM (18 years ago)

And I'll note, probably a third of the deputies now ARE former LPD/JCPD.

With only a few exceptions, all JCSO deputies went through basic training BEFORE the law required it in 1998 - something that many of them forget. (The sheriff didn't have to send them, but he knew it was the right thing to do, so he made it a requirement for all new hires and strongly encouraged it for everyone else. At this point, only a couple of the guys working for the SO haven't had it.)

And guess what, a few of YOUR collegues are former deputies.