LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Kids At Roller Rink Say They Were Maced By Officers


RE: Kids At Roller Rink Say They Were Maced By Officers

October 2nd, 2006 @ 12:36PM (18 years ago)

I'm assuming by your comment that the security folks were Corrections officers working off-duty? (For the record, that's correct, they aren't police officers, they are, however, peace officers. Deputy sheriffs aren't police officers either.)

Did they use "mace" or something else?

Anyone know what the occupancy limit is for that facility? They times I've been by there it has been bursting at the seams - has the fire department been by to check it recently for safety issues? Do they have emergency plans? If not, PUBLICIZE THAT!

RE: Kids At Roller Rink Say They Were Maced By Officers

October 2nd, 2006 @ 2:02PM (18 years ago)

And I'll throw in that the courts have said, so far, that deputy sheriffs are not covered by 15.520, either. (Keep that in mind when you are planning your retirement - counties with merit board for deputies have an alternative process, but for all the other counties, someone complains, sheriff can fire you, no recourse.) And yes, I can provide cites to that if you like.


October 3rd, 2006 @ 10:36AM (18 years ago)

So, are you campaigning to refuse to allow Corrections officers to work off-duty? Did I hear correctly that a J-town officer was also at the scene working off-duty? Are only LMPD officers (who are paid more that Corrections and who have the advantage of take-homes as well) the only officers that should be allowed to work off-duty?