LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

A Common Denominator

RE: A Common Denominator

January 27th, 2005 @ 10:53AM (19 years ago)

They would never do that. Not enough ba---. But I believe it is a very good idea though, especially during election time. I have to agree with a response I read awhile back, to many elected officials in the FOP worrying about their careers than carrying out their jobs for which they were elected to do.

RE: A Common Denominator

January 27th, 2005 @ 3:52PM (19 years ago)

"Maybe the FOP should consider a mail campaign with these figures to the public, or perhaps handing these out in different areas. A billboard or TV ad? We desperately need to get this information out. The media will not help us and this site, while outstanding, is too small to have a major impact on the city. "

I second this!! Spend our money on something worthwhile, we have something of use here, let's use it before he is elected again!!!