LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

A Tale of Two Stories...

RE: A Tale of Two Stories...

December 14th, 2004 @ 9:24PM (19 years ago)

Exactly, but as "F.O.P" stands for Fraternal Order of Police, it should support law enforcement. This web site is not on people's televisions every morning, evening, and night. This web site is not impartial. People don't rely on this web site for information on what's happening around them...this is not a Media outlet...it's a web site!! You are not law enforcement. You have not been on a crime scene. You have not watched reporters walk around crime scene tape and through potential evidence to get a good shot or an interview...you have not seen victim's families hounded for a comment...and you have not witnessed what you know as fact by your own eyes only to see the same story reported with half truths and speculation in the media. It makes for good TV...it's the reason Jerry Springer, Heraldo, and others make a living.

RE: A Tale of Two Stories...

December 20th, 2004 @ 11:36AM (19 years ago)

It is not Spin Doctoring when you know the truth because you live it everday. It would be spin doctoring if you don't have a clue about what you are saying.