LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The 3% Rule

RE: The 3% Rule

September 9th, 2004 @ 3:02AM (20 years ago)

I agree, Look at the numbers the Task Force is generating. I know its not all violent offenders and I don't care. They are generating huge number and clearing lots of warrants. I just thinks its amazing that all the hundreds of arrest and citaitons they have generated would have never happened if they had not been out there. I feel there should be a permenant unit exactly like this task force to continue the work 24/7 365 days a year. I am a strong supporter of the broken window theory. We can never tell what impact they have had in stopping other crimes. When they picked up some dude for POM warrant, who knows if he was about to commit a robbery, or go and do a drive by of a rival gang member. We will never know, but 600 to 800 arrest and citations can't hurt and criminals know the "POLICE" are out watching