LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The 3% Rule

RE: The 3% Rule

September 11th, 2004 @ 10:25PM (20 years ago)

The only department that I am still finding fault with is the Dallas PD which was a contractual engagement that I was bound to honor. My time and pay are adjusted each and everytime that I am doing any work outside of the scope of my duties related to LMPD.

All of my assignments associated with my work here at LMPD have been completed on time and the training academy is well ahead of the timetables established for us in implementing the strategic plan.

We've done this while still providing basic and in-service training as well as firearms qualifications on pace and on target while we had vacancies of our own.

I'm only a small cog in the wheel. I'm blessed to have very good employees who can fully function without me standing over top of them every hour of every day.

Bob Stewart