LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police chief's criticism casts doubt on Metro Council plan to restrict LMPD's use of force


RE: Police chief's criticism casts doubt on Metro Council plan...

November 13th, 2020 @ 3:17PM (4 years ago)

Police hater Chris Murphy needs to take his stand up routine to the Chuckle Hut where his comedy can be appreciated. Just so nobody forgets, Chris Murphy is the jealous police hater who had a gay crush on an LMPD officer who revealed his identity on this very forum. Now Chris Murphy thinks he is some sort of crusader who dresses up in tights and a cape calling out his perceived injustices of the law enforcement world. He hides behind his keyboard like a coward calling people names instead of filling out a job application to join the police force so he could pass on his vast knowledge of police work to us rubes. He lets his mouth write checks his azz can't cash. Just remember, Chris Murphy, growing up, was a nobody but the fat kid sitting in the back of his kindergarten class eating boggers. Now he gets to act all big and bad on the computer saying things he is too chicken zhit to say to anybody's face because he knows he would get punched in the mouth. Let him sit in his basement calling people names because he is too scared to do anything else. I'd rather he just said "Thank you" for the work the police do and just be on his way.