LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

1 dead after LMPD officers, National Guard shot at while attempting to disperse crowd


RE: 1 dead after LMPD officers, National Guard shot at while...

July 14th, 2020 @ 9:04AM (4 years ago)

Conrad didn't put anyone in an important job unless they were accustomed to doing exactly as he expected every time. Nothing's changed since he retired for the 2nd time. The last 2 administrations grew accustomed to being able to create whatever fictions they want, conceal the truth from the public and the courts and not ever be held to account, except with poodle-like barking from the metro council. They use slick excuses like "we can't release anything because the FBI told us so" and nobody even challenges that weak sauce in court. A 1st year lawyer could easily beat that in court. The metro council is too weak kneed to do anything more than talk.

If they told Fischer they were planning to hold public meetings about whether he should be removed from office followed by a removal vote, he'd be less flippant towards them. His many years of being the Teflon Mayor have made him think he answers to no one.