![]() Thursday, August 6th, 2015
Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's Food mart |
RE: Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at...
They are paid to get viewers and when false witnesses who hate police lie, they don't care if its the truth or not, so long as it gets ratings. In other words the industry is a far cry from being journalism anymore. Its tabloid tv. This jurisdiction is 1 of the few to not prosecute those who make false allegations against police in writing that can be contradicted by video. The Administration and prosecutors aren't doing their jobs and should be called out on that every time.
- Prosecutors doing their job seems to be ... 10 years ago
Food for Thought
Have faith that your good works are being measured by the “Big Guy upstairs” — and I’m not talking about the Chief/Superintendent
In my career, I’ve discovered a few undeniable truths about law enforcement. Here are 20 of them. Add your own in the comments area below.
1. Chiefs, Sheriffs, Superintendents need to resist the overwhelming temptation to promote their favorite followers ahead of their department’s finest leaders.
2. Law enforcement work is a contact sport! All officers need to stay serious about maintaining all of their tactical skills as well as their personal fitness levels. Even though officers don’t start most fights, they must possess the skills and conditioning to insure they are able to finish them.
3. It is imperative to be constantly alert out there. It doesn’t matter whether you work in New York, New Ulm, are on patrol, in a housing unit or on a lunch break. If you are wearing a badge, trouble will find you and it will not make an appointment.
4. An officer is where the constitutional rubber meets the road. We insure that this remains a free country by the way we police and correct.
5. You can catch almost as many criminals by being the last officer to leave the area as you can by being the first officer to arrive.
6. On every contact it’s imperative to account for the hands, control the hands, and — as Buck Savage would say — “Watch the hands!”
7. The ability to remember names and faces of suspects is an important survival skill. We deal with many of the same people over and over again. Knowing who someone is and what they’re about — on sight — gives you a strong tactical edge.
8. Once conditions arise that cause you to press the squad car’s accelerator all the way to the floor or run to where there's trouble — such as a pursuit or an emergency request for assistance in a housing unit — you must breathe and consciously engage your brain in the process to reconsider what you are doing. The laws of physics show no mercy and too many officers have paid the ultimate price for violating them.
9. Laughter is emotional aspirin. This is good because cops are hilarious. Officers possess a sense of humor taking a back seat to no other profession. It is good to laugh often and laugh well, but just do it off camera, off the radio, and off-line.
10. There is little justification for trusting anyone on the street. You’ll get burned when you trust suspects. However, treating people with respect pays dividends.
11. The four things that get most officers in trouble in their career are anger, lust, greed, and peer pressure. Career survival depends on keeping all of these under control.
12. There are too many people calling the shots who never worry about being shot at. It would behoove every leader to get into a patrol car or a housing unit on a regular basis. Patrol or being in a housing unit for 12 hours every day for 3, 4, 6 months gives the gift of proper perspective.
13. The best officers develop their law enforcement instincts and then learn to trust them. If something feels wrong, it usually is wrong.
14. Anyone or anything worth searching once, a second search is in order. It pays to be thorough in your searches and then to check your work.
15. There is no better way to end a tough shift than to go home and loudly play with your children or quietly enter their room and watch them sleep. Family can be an officer’s best backup.
16. The recipe for success and survival in law enforcement is to train well, train hard and train often. Then pay attention out there!
17. To enjoy the good things in life you have to survive the bad things in life. Wear your vest and seat belt every shift — regardless of rank or assignment — because you never know when you will need them.
18. Law enforcement work is NOT a thankless job. Our thanks is frequently the quiet sigh of relief of a battered woman, or the drying tear on the cheek of a frightened inmate whose fear dissipates because you’re there.
19. No statistic accurately measures the good a great officer does in their career. The impact of an officer’s good deeds is often not realized by even the officers themselves. Have faith that your good works are being measured by the “Big Guy upstairs” — and I’m not talking about the Chief. Law enforcement work is a calling that affords you many opportunities to do good for many.
20. Law enforcement officers includes patrol, detectives and corrections. Each job requires putting your life on the line everyday you put on your badge for the safety of others. In most departments if you're not patrol, you're not law enforcement... That is FALSE!
Here is one more truth I would like to end with. You are making a difference out there every day of your life. So be careful out there, and keep fighting the good fight.
- Awesome damn post! 9 years ago
- i have yet to see #1 followed on this de... 9 years ago
- Update, 8 is obsolete we can't chase. 9 ... 9 years ago
- #12 is solid... Only here they will ne... 9 years ago