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Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's Food mart


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Thoughts with officers...

August 6th, 2015 @ 1:53PM (10 years ago)

Sorry to hear that this suspect forced the officers to resort to deadly force, because contrary to popular belief, officers don't go out every day wishing for a shooting situation.

Sounds like the officers' training worked just as it should, and they went home alive at the end of their shift, thank goodness!


August 6th, 2015 @ 4:22PM (10 years ago)

White on white no fight

Stay safe out there

August 6th, 2015 @ 8:13PM (10 years ago)

Friends, stay safe out there.

Jason and John, I am so sorry this individual forced your hands, however I am glad you each got to come home at the end of shift. THANK YOU for being the officers you both are!

To the command staff, maybe now you someone can start to recognize that Dave Mutchler was right about certain portions of our local media making situations worse.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 14th, 2015 @ 12:16AM (9 years ago)

So, has anyone heard anymore about 8's or 12's? I hear so many rumors I don't know what to believe. I wish the FOP would inform it's members. It seems our delegates, just spread more rumors and have little facts.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 17th, 2015 @ 9:56AM (9 years ago)
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I did a little research and I was able to track down the precise mathematical formula that the band members used in order to ensure that none of the angles of their flat-brims matched on the album cover.......that would have been embarrassing.


In the meantime...a man has been shot to death at the corner of 24th and Chestnut. At least WAVE 3 was able to realize the importance of the Nappy Roots/Obama playlist story and made the right choice with placing it at the top of their webpage banner.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 19th, 2015 @ 11:44AM (9 years ago)

Black Lives Madder

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 19th, 2015 @ 12:22PM (9 years ago)

So What is the chief going to say today in his email? Are we going to 8's for the time being?

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 19th, 2015 @ 4:05PM (9 years ago)

Black Lives Madder

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 19th, 2015 @ 10:18PM (9 years ago)

You guys have zero FOP support. Wake up! Can you honestly not see that your FOP leadership has failed you? The FOP let metro snap their fingers and dramatically change your work schedule and they do nothing, zip, zipo

There are people that will be forced to retired because of this 8hr day change and what does the FOP say? Noda.

New hires pay 1k a month for insurance and what does the FOP say? Noda

New officers don't get a car for 3-5 years and what does the FOP say? Noda

officers are forced into a hardship because their shift is changed overnight and what does the FOP say? Noda

Why not just elect the Chief FOP president and be done with it.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 20th, 2015 @ 12:06AM (9 years ago)
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Trump is gaining on her.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 20th, 2015 @ 1:09AM (9 years ago)

Guys I know you're upset, but listen to me because I have years of experience and I'm a detective. If we had gone to twelves, I would have gone back to patrol, because the days off would have been awesome, pay the same, and I wouldn't have case files waiting on me when I came back from my off days. Many detectives would have done the same thing. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but we would have lost a lot of experience and knowledge with investigations. Now with 8 hours across the boards, more people will want to be detectives to get off the 8's and working 5 straight weekends. This means we would keep and get the best detectives. Sorry, but it's the truth. I'm better than you people on patrol. You don't deserve to get that many days and weekends off. Suck it up Buttercup!

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 20th, 2015 @ 8:37AM (9 years ago)

Just when I thought morale couldn't get any deeper in the toilet here - somebody flushed it. I predict pro-activity to reach an all time low. Gonna start getting much harder to find good recruits.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 21st, 2015 @ 3:20AM (9 years ago)

We only had 3 people call in sick today-I thought it would be more-lol. There is always Tomor. The attorneys are already hurting for work. I hope they have saved up for the winter!

Grow Up

August 22nd, 2015 @ 11:50AM (9 years ago)

You took this job knowing that you would work weekends, holidays and varied shifts. You are a public servant and the tax payers expect to be served and not hear you cry about working a shift that 90% of the real world works.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 22nd, 2015 @ 1:49PM (9 years ago)
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United States Marines...continuing the proud tradition of saving Fances' aśš since 1917.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 23rd, 2015 @ 8:54AM (9 years ago)


Louisville's Money and Politics Disaster.


that's all I have to say.

Man with knife killed in confrontation with 2 officers at Bader's...

August 23rd, 2015 @ 7:53PM (9 years ago)

Dear Executive Command Staff,

Please recognize that most of the sworn officers have no earthly idea who you are, because we never see you. It has become widely understood that your have obviously lost all connections to the "streets" and to the both the officers and the communities we serve. Please come ride the beat and try and police under the policies you continuously change. Please ride the beat and police under the standards you never had to work with. Please, we would like to actually learn who you are.

Unlike most of my brethren, I am not really concerned about the 8 hour schedule, because with this nifty new camera you have given me, I will be downloading it at my division for the last 45 minutes of my shift (and I will NEVER tak it home and download YOUR equipment from my residence on my own time). Combined with my roll calls, that leave 7 hours to actually work, and with my federally mandated lunch, I am down to 6.5 hours. Not to bad for a work day.

When runs hold, please know it is because I am taking my reports as directed by your policy. When we are slow to respond, please know it is because you have stripped my division of the desperately needed manpower to fill your pet projects and we are waiting for our back up cars, as dictated by policy.. When I follow your policy to the letter, know that I look forward to my supervisor jumping my arse, because I will own her or him, and I will use your policies to my advantage.

Or maybe, you can come out and work the street again, and see what it is actually like out here these days. But I know I am just wishing for something that will never happen.