LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Man flashes badge and gun at Walmart employees


RE: Man flashes badge and gun at Walmart employees

September 20th, 2013 @ 4:31AM (11 years ago)

As a former disgrunteld deputy and a now happy police officer i've been on both sides of the spectrum. As a deputy I worked hard serving warrants and EPO's. I worked in the west end for three yrs and many nights would back up LMPD on traffic stops and other calls. I must admitt most officers were great to work with, but there were also a lot of a-holes as well who would rather work a stop by themselves with 4 homeboys in a car than have a deputy be there back up. I never understood that. Deputies are sheltered from police work by the sheriff and chief deputy. They don't want them out there policing and getting in to things. I was scolded for making numerous drug and 15 DUI arrests in one yr. Thats barely one DUI a month. If it doesn't come in the form of a paper they dont want you to act unless its life and death. My feelings on that is if you want it to be that way take the markings and the lights off the cars so you can hide and not be noticed by the public. I feel sorry for all the guys who are stuck at the SO. There are a bunch of deputies who would make great police officers If they ever decide to get out of the pit.