LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't use racial profiling


RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 25th, 2012 @ 3:48PM (12 years ago)

You all are forgetting that Major is an appointed rank, while (the now defunct) Captain was a Civil Service Rank.

In other words: the puzzle palace wants to keep their thumb on the appointed Majors, and have them do "what they're told", or else...

I remember when we (LPD) had Captains in all the Districts, and I also remember a time when a Capt. wasn't afraid to stand up to the upper echelon on behalf of his/her people.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 26th, 2012 @ 6:38PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: Coyote

It's a control thing. The Chief can demote a Major to a Lt. on a whim. A Captain???.