LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't use racial profiling


RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 22nd, 2012 @ 4:21PM (12 years ago)

Ummmmm Sex Crimes, Homicide, CACU, CSU, Seniors Unit, polygraph, Fraud, and Robbery ARE UNDER ONE MAJOR NOW..... Major Ray! geezzzzzz

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 22nd, 2012 @ 8:48PM (12 years ago)

That's right. Good ol' Uncle Phil, aka "The man in the Cave", glossed over the 4 IA cases she had pending prior to being promoted to LT. Not just vacation, but abusing overtime in narcotics. If White and Turner did not want someone to get in trouble, they did not. And several, got promoted. And If you think she wants to be a Major, just watch ol' Gerhork Steimle. Mr. Unconstitutional. Mr. work off-duty doing his mulch business on sick time. Mr. was going to get his but handed to him by his flex guys, but Major Denham broke it up. He should have let them clean the floor with his assssss.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 22nd, 2012 @ 9:20PM (12 years ago)

Nunn is a the Commander over Domestic Violence, she wants to be a Major over the Domestic Violence unit, both felony and division level. She screws everyone over whom she does not like. Watch your back around her. But all she can do is write you up, and approve vacation time, the Chief has the ultimate say on discipline. So, So, So Sorry Carolyn- you cant always get your way!!!! MUAH