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Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't use racial profiling


RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 21st, 2012 @ 9:18PM (12 years ago)

HA HA HA. He is a little snake. And never at work.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 21st, 2012 @ 11:39PM (12 years ago)

Snake? More like a snail. He is in for nothing but himself, and will do whatever, and I mean whatever, he has to do, to make it to the top.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 22nd, 2012 @ 2:53PM (12 years ago)

He screws his whole platoon over all the time, he is always gone, we can never get a v-day because he is always TDY to LT. Flaherty every other week. He has put in for every Detective postion posted & no one wants him. Take a hint, Geeeeezzzzz.

Officer's would probably like him if he would just slow down on trying to get to the top before his time. And he needs to change his serving since back to his sworn date instead of his explorer time. Lol.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 24th, 2012 @ 11:41AM (12 years ago)

Overall it doesn't appear to be too bad a list...other than the number one spot. Shadle was the Kenny Betts of the department before Kenny Betts was around. Let's see, he puts in for every opening that comes out ( Robbery, Flex, Districe Detective) and, you guessed it, he apparently isn't qualified for those positions, but what the hey, he's a pretty good test taker so let's make him a lieutenant. Just goes to show you how our promotional process is flawed. Merit, merit, merit...until it's time to promote. Here's to you Shadle (and lil' Pillow Butt): keep on showing the world that underachievers really can succeed in this backwards department.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 27th, 2012 @ 6:14AM (12 years ago)

Kenneth Betts lol, he need's to just chill & put his time in on the beat. His Major has a "pre-recorded" message when CO's call doing his background on specialty positions that he has put in for. The Major said he got tired of doing the interview 2-4 times a week. I have not saw the snake for a few days, he must be gone again.