LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't use racial profiling


RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 17th, 2012 @ 8:58PM (12 years ago)

Spoken like a true commanding officer. Skru u ashol.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 17th, 2012 @ 10:45PM (12 years ago)

Jealousy! Wear a uniform to the tow lot or fleet position? Really? Why????! You are angry.

If you don't like your position go elsewhere. Don't bash everyone else to save a few $$$.

Are you really concerned with saving the city a few $$$? No! That's what I thought.

How are you fighting crime? Are you Batman?

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 27th, 2012 @ 8:53PM (12 years ago)

That was the posters point exactly. .3) said it all, minimum contact with the public!!! So why pay them Hazardous Duty Pay? You are Ignorant.